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What is MySQL?

MySQL database server was born out of an internal company project spearheaded by employees of the Sweden-based TcXDataKonsult firm. Their project, dubbed MySQL, was first released to the general public at the end of 1996. The software proved so popular that in 2001 they founded a company based entirely around MySQL specific service and product offerings, calling it MySQL AB.

MySQL is a relational database server that inches closer to the SQL-92 standard with each release, meaning you won't encounter too many surprises if you're familiar with another database product.  MySQL boasts quite a list of prominent users like craigslist:, Yahoo! Finance:,
Wikipedia: and more.

MySQL Frequently Asked Questions

MySQL FAQs site provides MySQL useful learning material freely in shape of real "Questions and Answers" prepared by experts in easy words. The learning material is based on faq (frequently asked question) and each faq has been categorized respectively. At MySQL FAQs site, a beginner database developer can find a faq of his need and also more practical faq is available for an experienced database developer. However, the efforts are made to avail the faq with simple examples that helps to learn MySQL, a powerful and the most popular Open Source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).

The MySQL FAQs continues to spread the knowledge of MySQL experts in database developer community. You can view Recently Added FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) or categorically by clicking on the available FAQs Categories links at top left of the page. Also you can search your required faq or answer through "What do you want to ask today?" search area. Further, if you do not find your exact answer / faq even through search then feel free to post us your question / faq. The answer to the posted question / faq is replied as early as possible. So now get started to find out answers to your questions!

Popular MySQL FAQ

What-is-prepared-statement-in-MySQL What is prepared statement in MySQL?

How-to-delete-or-update-records-of-multiple-tables-in-one-go How to delete or update records of multiple tables in one go?

How-to-compare-data-of-two-tables-of-two-different-databases-in-MySQL How to compare data of two tables of two different databases in MySQL?

What-are-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-indexes-in-MySQL What are advantages and disadvantages of indexes in MySQL?

What-is-sql-mode-in-MySQL-and-how-can-we-set-it What is sql mode in MySQL and how can we set it?

How-to-manage-Time-Zone-in-MySQL How to manage Time Zone in MySQL?

How-to-export-table-data-to-Microsoft-Excel-with-SELECT-INTO-OUTFILE-statement How to export table data to Microsoft Excel with SELECT INTO OUTFILE statement?

What-is-difference-between-delete-and-truncate-statements-of-MySQL What is difference between delete and truncate statements of MySQL?

What-is-query-cache-in-MySQL What is query cache in MySQL?

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USA States.
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USA Cities.
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