Home / Client Server Commands
MySQL operates in a networked environment using a client/server architecture. In other words, a central program acts as a server, and various client programs connect to the server to make requests.
MySQL Server, or mysqld, is the database server program. The server manages access to the actual databases on disk and in memory. MySQL Server is multi-threaded and supports many simultaneous client connections. Clients can connect via several connection protocols. For managing database contents, MySQL Server features a modular architecture that supports multiple storage engines that handle different types of tables (for example, it provides both transactional and non-transactional tables).
mysqld comes in several configurations. MySQL Max distributions contain a server named mysqld-max that includes features that are not built into the non-Max version, such as support for additional storage engines. On Windows, the mysqld-nt and mysql-max-nt servers provide support for named-pipe connections on Windows NT, 2000, XP, and 2003. If a given installation includes multiple server programs, you pick one to run from among those available.
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